Social Media

Downloading Social Media Videos has become as Easy as it could be

Downloading Social Media Videos

Have you ever been in a pinch situation where you want to download a Facebook video but you cannot do that? If yes, then this article can be the thing that you have always been looking for.

While surfing down social media on a daily basis, we come across many contents that we like and want to download them. But we simply can not. Why? Because there are no download buttons and some of the platforms restrict that kind of attempt due to the platform’s privacy policy.

That does not mean that you can not get hold of those videos. There are many third-party tools and software that allow you to download videos from the social media platform. One of just software is oDownloader.

What is oDownloader?

oDownloader is a software that helps you with all kinds of video downloads. Whether it may be YouTube videos, Facebook videos, Twitter videos or Instagram videos.

In this era, everybody is so close to the social media that you will not find a single soul who does not use social media platforms. The social media platforms have become a media to share your thoughts and to express yourself freely.

And to capture those thoughts and moments, oDownloader helps you with the content downloads.

Why oDownloader is trusted?

oDownloder is one of the top websites that provides you a solution for downloading social media videos. There has been a survey that proved that oDownloader is a safe site to use. It with the testimonial of the users, it was confirmed that the service given by this software is of top-notch. The highlighting feature of this software is that all the videos are at your disposal with just one click.

Key features:

  • Provide you with one-click easy to download system.
  • Every social media platform is covered in this software.
  • Supported by SSL security.

How to download videos using oDownloader

When it comes to the social video downloaders there is hardly any other software or app that can even come close to oDownloader. oDownloader not only excels in the support system but it also covers all the possible social media platforms. This is what makes oDownloader the first choice for others.

You will find many software tools that are only limited to only one platform, but then there is oDownloader, support all the social media platforms.

Procedure to Download any video

oDownloader is a user-friendly software that provides easy interphase for the user. And when it comes down to the downloading part, it is a straight forward service.

Here is the enumeration of the steps:

Find the URL

The first step is to get the URL of the video you want to download. You may get that link in the Url tab, or you can simply look for the link in the share option. Anything will do.

Visit oDownloader search tab

The next step is to open the oDownloder site. You will find a search tab on the top of the homepage. That is where you are going to place your link.

Paste the link

Click the search tab, the search tab will be activated. You just have to paste the video’s URL link that you have copied.

Click the download button

The final step is to click the download button, this activates the extraction process and gives you the end result in the form of the downloaded video.

You can now enjoy the video by yourself, with friends and family.


oDownloader is undoubtedly a complete all in one software. After using this software you will hardly use any other software. Seriously, who will want to leave a most complete software that provides video download options for every possible social media platform?